Based in the Amazon Basin with a team of local guides:

Wild Tahuayo River Circuit ( Redmark along the River )

           ANYTIME  OF  YEAR




location:south east toward Brasilian Border

Distance:350/97.800 km.out

Duration:8-10 days trip

DURATION OPTIONAL PACKAGE:/max:group size between 2 to 6,8 persons. to your arrival Interest and Itinerary.

TRANSFER:Pick you up available from Iquitos airport,to and from your Accommodation.

How to get there?

WALK IN-FLY OUT:leaving from Iquitos by bus all the way to Nauta Town and taking a speed boat to Genaro Town 350/97.700 km.out.upper Ucayali River.

FLY IN-WALK:Boarding a floating Aircraft,spending more time with the MATSES,learn how they living and why they are some of the best of all the Indigenous hunters.


8-10 days Outing $1650.00 per person.



Participants must have their Airfare arranged to be in Iquitos on or before! So that you have the best chance of wildlife observation.

spend the night in a Mosquito net and Hammock.

Outback crooking meals,

Unique Efficient wood burning cook.

This area leaves tracks which are easily visible and trackable.Animals which have moved to non-flooded upland forest.

Jungle survival techniques will be taught throughout this portion of the trip

Taste jungle food and water vine source,fruits,eatable plants.

This course goes right through the Home of the Rare Red Uakari Monkey and such the endangered Tapirs ,Peccaries to Jaguars.

Arriving in the early evening to spend the night enjoying Hospitality of the villagers.

Be advised You must be in good conditions to Attempt.

super ADVENTURE to one of the most remote place left on the Earth.

An extremely demanding Expeditions-mentally and physically!

we suggest physical training prior to departure date!

Be prepared to live using jungle survival techniques.

this is a trip of Adventure and learning and good hikers.


Comfortable back pack/Raincoat poncho/flashlight/fire starting device/water bottle or canteen/Sheath or folding knife/paracord/light jungle clothes/(long pants/long sleeve shirts,T-shirts,pairs of socks)personal first aid kit/personal toiletry/snacks/Passport copies…GPS

-Touring differents spot around of Iquitos.

-Vist Belén market and it’s floating houses.




Leaving from Iquitos(250 km,146 Miles)towards triple border of Perú.travelling by ferry cargo boat.

Arriving to Pevas town and taking a motorized wooden boat upper Ampiyacu river.

HIKING; the most Intimate way to see the jungle learn medicinal and edible plants.

Enjoy the Inmense clay licks,varieties of birds and keep and eye out for Animals 

CANOEING-FISHING During dry season in remote tributaries.

BOATING; travelling off  beaten path vastness jungle.

Ferrying/Boating/Fishing/Camping Out/Survival techniques.

“If you can Imagine an Expedition,I can make happen for You”